An update on my health, before a few random thoughts:
The Covid is out of the house. None of us are the worse for wear. Mrs. Legend was tired for nearly two weeks, but finally has enough energy to resume picking up after her kids (re: our children and me.) As for me, it shot my blood pressure sky high, but I'm taking steps to manage it. Usually at this time of year, my BP isn't a problem at all, as the Cleveland Browns are usually out of the playoff picture.
So, yeah, we all got through it. But, if you haven't had it yet, trust me, you don't want it.
IN ALL THIS CLEVELAND [INSERT NAME HERE] NAME CHANGE, there's something no one has asked yet: After 2021, what happens to John Adams' drum?
If you are a fan of the Cleveland [insert nickname here], then you either know who John Adams is, or you've at least heard his drum. He sits in the outfield bleachers and beats his bass drum (named, I kid you not, Big Chief Boom-Boom) whenever the team is rallying. But, with the elimination of the nickname, there goes all the tradition.
Looks like he'll have to beat on Tom Hamilton's big head instead. Should make the same hollow noise, at least.
BTW, if you want comedy, go to the Google and search "Cleveland baseball drummer" and John Adams' name and description comes up, but with a photo of former U.S. President John Adams.
Clearly, 2020 has been a rough year for Mr. Adams.
OHIO HIGH SCHOOL WRESTLING IS NUTS. The Ohio High School Athletic Association has a list of protocols to follow for winter sports. Of course, wrestling, being a contact sport with lots of contact, needs protocols. So, here you go:
No shaking hands.
Yeah, that's it. You can grab your opponent. You can twist your legs around his torso. You can stick your head in his sweaty buttcrack. But, for the love of God, don't shake his hand after the bout, because you'll get the covid!
SPEAKING OF WRESTLING, why are the WWE and AEW on my ESPN feed? It's pro wrestling. It's not a sport! The outcomes are predetermined, they flop around needlessly, and they say random, nonsense things. Same goes for the NBA.
BOBA FETT RETURNING TO STAR WARS. A new series debuting next year will follow the exploits of everyone's favorite wacky bounty hunter.
For the record, Boba Fett is a kid who watched his father get his head chopped off, was given a mission to find someone and fell backwards into finding him literally parked on the ship he just left, delivered a carbonite body to a slobby slug-like thing, failed to kill a Jedi even though he fired from point blank range, then couldn't control his jetpack and got eaten by a Sarlaac. So, in summary, he did absolutely nothing, has shown himself to have no skills at his job whatsoever, and is still one of the most celebrated heroes in the universe.
Kind of like Joe Buck.
GUY ROLLERBLADES I-670 IN COLUMBUS WEARING ONLY A PANDA MASK. You come up with a better way to celebrate the end of a two-week quarantine.
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